SALE NO - 43 , SALE DATE: 2025-03-03
LEAF : 8.30 am to 2.16 pm
DUST & SUPP : 2.20 am to 4.38 pm
CTC LEAF: 53,021 packages of tea on offer met with less demand.
BROKENS: A few clean Brokens on offer met with a good demand at around last levels. All other varieties met with a fair demand and where sold eased in line with quality particularly the plainer varieties. BLF teas continued to meet with a restricted demand with very heavy withdrawals.
FANNINGS: A few clean Fannings met with a fairly good demand and were about steady. The remainder met with a fair demand but eased in line with quality particularly the plainer types. BLF teas continued to meet with a restricted demand with very heavy withdrawals.
DUST: 7,604 packages of tea on offer met with a good demand. Good liquoring Dusts were in good demand at slightly easier rates. Mediums also saw a decline in price but sold well closely following quality. Plain/BLF Dusts were difficult of sale with heavy withdrawals. Blenders lent strong support with fair interest from the Loose tea buyers.
COMMENTS: The bulk of the offerings constituted of plain end of season types which met with a restricted demand and witnessed heavy withdrawals. However, a few clean teas continued to meet with a fairly good demand and sold in line with quality. Blenders continued to lend good support with less interest from the Loose tea buyers.
Dusts were an easier market.
Our Catalogue: (Sale 43) Avg : Tk 190.57, Sold 47.42% , (Sale 42) Avg : Tk 191.77, Sold 49.21%
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