SALE NO - 44 , SALE DATE: 2025-03-10

LEAF : 8.30 am to 2.16 pm

DUST & SUPP : 2.20 am to 4.38 pm


Brokens Ghazipore GBOP 20 256/- LTH/GT Fannings Ghazipore OF 30 236/- LC/GT Clonal Brokens Neptune GBOP 20 251/- AKT/LTH Clonal Fannings Karnafuli FOF/FOF(BT2) 20 248/- City RD/PD (incl.Clone) Ruthna RD 10 241/- TK D (incl.Clone) *Madhupur D(BT1) 10 250/- Ispahani CD (incl.Clone) Mirzapore CD 20 268/- Mintu * Above price(s) realised in our catalogue

TEA MARKET REPORT – Sale 1 Held on Monday 29th April, 2024

CTC LEAF : 23,685 packages of  tea on offer met with a strong but selective demand.

BROKENS: Best Brokens were very strongly competed for and mostly sold above valuations. Below best met with a good demand and sold in line with quality with some withdrawals. Lesser quality met with much lower bids than valuations and met with heavy withdrawals particularly the plainer varieties. BLF teas were mostly neglected as bids were much lower than price ideas.

FANNINGS: Best Fannings met with a strong demand and were often dearer  following quality. Below Best/Good varieties met with a fairly good demand but buyers were somewhat selective in their purchase. As a result, quite a few teas were withdrawn having failed to meet the valuations. Medium teas met with a limited demand and few teas sold at valuations. The bulk of it was withdrawn. Plain varieties met with a very discriminating market and were mostly withdrawn owing to low bids. BLF teas were mostly neglected as bids were much lower than price ideas.

DUST:  4,840 packages of tea on offer met with a good  demand. Good liquoring Ds and CDs met with good competition and generally sold above Brokers’ valuation fetching between Tk.419/- and Tk.295/-. PDs and RDs were well supported and rates for these ranged between Tk. 245/-and Tk.280/-. BLF Dusts proved difficult of sale. Loose tea buyers lent good support whilst Blenders were selective in their purchase.

COMMENTS: This was the First sale of the season which met with a very strong demand from the Loose tea buyers for black, well made teas backed by strong useful liquors. Other varieties met with a discriminating market and only a fair weight was sold with large withdrawals. Blenders were very selective.

Good liquoring Dusts particularly CDs were a strong feature of the sale.

Our Catalogue:  (Sale  1)  Avg : Tk 287.12 ,   Sold 50.35 %