SALE NO - 43 , SALE DATE: 2025-03-03

LEAF : 8.30 am to 2.16 pm

DUST & SUPP : 2.20 am to 4.38 pm


Brokens *Chandpore GBOP 10 255/- AKT Fannings *Saif PF 10 249/- AKT Clonal Brokens Kedarpur GBOP(BT1) 10 435/- Ajanta Clonal Fannings Kedarpur PF(BT1) 10 350/- AKT RD/PD (incl.Clone) Kedarpur RD(BT1) 10 280/- AKT D (incl.Clone) *Madhupur D(BT1) 10 284/- Mintu CD (incl.Clone) *Saif CD 5 280/- Mintu * Above price(s) realised in our catalogue

TEA MARKET REPORT – Sale 12 Held on Monday 29th July, 2024

CTC LEAF : 52,879 packages of  tea on  offer met with a fairly good demand but at easier rates. 

BROKENS: Well made good liquoring Brokens met with a fairly good demand at slightly easier rates. Medium types were a good market at easier rates. Plainer types met with fair demand and here again prices were easier with fair withdrawals. BLF teas met with less demand and withdrawals were heavy.  

FANNINGS: Well made good liquoring Fannings met with a fairly good demand at easier rates following quality. Medium sorts were a fairly good market but were slightly easier. Plainer types met with fair demand and here again prices were easier with fair withdrawals. BLF teas met with less demand and withdrawals were heavy.

DUST: 11, 850 packages of tea on offer  met with a fairly good demand. Good liquoring Dusts sold well at barely steady levels. Mediums met with fair demand but sold at a drop of Tk.5/- to Tk.8/- closely following quality. Plain/BLF Dusts also sold at easier levels with fair withdrawals. Blenders lent strong support with fair interest from the Loose tea buyers. 

COMMENTS: This sale took place after a gap of one week where offerings were higher. Blenders were more active particularly for the Medium varieties which were absorbed quite readily whilst Loose tea buyers lent more support this week. As a result, withdrawals were less. 

Dusts were an easier market.

Our Catalogue:  (Sale 12)  Avg : Tk 210.16, Sold 75.61% , (Sale 11)  Avg : Tk 219.62, Sold 67.79%