SALE NO - 44 , SALE DATE: 2025-03-10

LEAF : 8.30 am to 2.16 pm

DUST & SUPP : 2.20 am to 4.38 pm


Brokens Ghazipore GBOP 20 256/- LTH/GT Fannings Ghazipore OF 30 236/- LC/GT Clonal Brokens Neptune GBOP 20 251/- AKT/LTH Clonal Fannings Karnafuli FOF/FOF(BT2) 20 248/- City RD/PD (incl.Clone) Ruthna RD 10 241/- TK D (incl.Clone) *Madhupur D(BT1) 10 250/- Ispahani CD (incl.Clone) Mirzapore CD 20 268/- Mintu * Above price(s) realised in our catalogue

TEA MARKET REPORT – Sale 16 Held on Tuesday 27th August, 2024

CTC LEAF: 63,396 packages of tea on  offer met with a good demand.

BROKENS: Good liquoring Brokens particularly the smaller varieties met with a good market and were firm to occasionally dearer following competition. BOPs generally met with less demand and were easier following quality with some withdrawals. Plain varieties met with less demand and were easier following quality with more withdrawals. BLFs met with a more selective market and were mostly withdrawn.

FANNINGS: Good liquoring Fannings met with quite a good demand and were about steady. Medium varieties met with a fair demand and were about steady. Plain liquoring varieties met with less demand at easier rates following quality with fair withdrawals.  BLFs met with a more selective market and were mostly withdrawn.

DUST: 13,207 packages of tea on offer met with good demand. Good liquoring Dusts particularly the CDs sold well at around last levels. Their Mediums were fully firm to dearer by Tk.5/- to Tk.10/- closely following quality. Plain/BLF Dusts met with a selective demand with quite heavy withdrawals. Blenders lent strong support with fair interest from the Loose tea buyers.

COMMENTS: Offerings were much higher this week. Market opened on a fairly strong note with most teas selling well. However, from the latter half, demand declined and as a result withdrawals were higher in the latter catalogues. Blenders were quite active whilst there was fair support from the Loose tea buyers.

CDs were a strong feature of the sale.

Our Catalogue:  (Sale 16)  Avg : Tk 210.50, Sold 61.47% , (Sale 15)  Avg : Tk 205.05, Sold 76.97%