SALE NO - 44 , SALE DATE: 2025-03-10
LEAF : 8.30 am to 2.16 pm
DUST & SUPP : 2.20 am to 4.38 pm
CTC LEAF : 16,998 packages of tea on offer met with a fairly strong demand.
BROKENS: Best Brokens met with a fairly strong market but were slightly easier over last. Others were also a good market but were easier particularly the lower varieties with quite fair withdrawals.. BLF teas met with more interest and realised prices between Tk.160/- to Tk.170/-.
FANNINGS: Best Fannings met with a fairly strong demand but prices were slightly easier than last. Good varieties followed a similar trend whilst all others met with a selective demand with a lot of withdrawals. BLF teas met with more interest and prices were generally Tk.160/- to Tk.170/-.
DUST: 4,376 packages of tea on offer met with a fairly good demand. Good liquoring Dusts sold well at slightly easier rates compared to last. Their Mediums sold firm to a little dearer on quality. Plain/BLF Dust met with less demand and saw heavy withdrawals. Blenders lent good support with fair interest from the Loose tea buyers.
COMMENTS: There was a noticeable decline in quality this week compared to last. Good varieties continued to attract good competition whilst all others met with a selective demand where withdrawals were quite heavy. Blenders were more active this week whilst Loose tea buyers were less forceful.
CDs sold well at dearer rates.
Our Catalogue: (Sale 2) Avg : Tk 258.53 , Sold 61.10% , (Sale 1) Avg : Tk 286.95 , Sold 51.92 %
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